What? The Flock!

Join us each Sunday at 11:05am MT / 1:05pm ET for a community-based livestream. Everyone is welcome, and through weekly meetings we’re learning more about each other and what’s going on in our lives. It’s a very encouraging group, full of creatives, musicians, and dreamers, and we hope you will come be a part of the Flock!

I appreciate everyone who subscribes to my YouTube channel, and who becomes a member, for as little as $1 a month. It is never required to be part of the Flock, but is greatly appreciated!! Your support helps me to continue to live the life of my dreams, as a musician, an artist, a content creator, a writer, and a pedal builder. Thank you!

Shirts, bags, stickers & more, all available at https://www.valerie-music.com/wtfshop

What The Flock Wants!

I’m adding all the song requests to this playlist on Spotify! Add your own request to be added, or I can add you to the spotify playlist as a collaborator if you have a lot of suggestions — just let me know!

Visit on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/playlist/18nrvV9lTm9w030s2P0cMl

New Member Emojis!

Join the Flock to use the new member emojis in chats & comments!! Send me your suggestions for new emojis (I made these with AI, using text prompts!!) YAAAAY!!